2025 All Class Reunion

Celebrating 100 years!

July, 5 2025

We need to reach as many Bellaire High School alumni as possible!

An all day event is planned with Food Trucks, Local Businesses, Bands, DJs, etc.!

Please mark your calendar and contact your classmates!

Let’s go Big Reds - Details will be forthcoming so please pass the word and contact any Alumni Trustee with any questions you may have!!


The Spring newsletter was mailed out in April. Did you receive your copy? A hard copy print was sent to our paid lifetime members and yearly dues paid membership. You can also view newsletters by clicking “HERE” at the very top of this page or clicking on the News/Newsletter section link above.

At this time, we are asking for your continued support…………Faithful and Truehearted Big Reds, the BHS Alumni Association has lost almost two years of fundraising money due to the pandemic. Your loyal support is greatly needed for the BHS Alumni Association to continue its mission to support Bellaire’s students and teachers.

If you would like to pay your dues, click on the MEMBERSHIP link above. If you would like to make a donation to one of the funds please click on the CONTRIBUTE link above and specify where you would like to contribute. Please click on the NEWSLETTER link below to see the insert that was mailed with the SPRING NEWSLETTER and print it if you would like to donate to the Alumni or pay your dues through the postal mail.


You are also welcome to make a donation to the BHS Alumni Association through the mail, please do so to PO Box 307, Bellaire and you may also pay by PayPal to Bellairebigredsalumni@gmail.com. Please make sure you comment on what you would like to donate to, also choose to send money to Family and Friends and make sure you are using your PayPal linked bank account otherwise, they will charge a 2.9% fee

On behalf of the trustees of The Bellaire Alumni Association, thank you for your support, generosity and loyalty.  Your contribution allows the association to continue to support the students, teachers and organizations in all of The Bellaire Local School District.

As always…..It’s a great day to be a BIG RED!! 

Sincerely, Bellaire Alumni Association Trustees

Once a Big Red always a Big Red and May you remain faithful and truehearted. 

The Bellaire High School alumni community is a strong network of ladies and gentlemen who share an undeniable sense of pride, spirit, and tradition in BHS. Big Reds contribute their talents as professionals, artists, and entrepreneurs far and wide. Use this website to help stay in touch and keep the Bellaire connection strong.



Photo credit: Brooke McVey '07

Photo credit: Brooke McVey '07

n.  1.  Proper respect for one's own dignity and worth. 
2.  Pleasure or satisfaction over something done, achieved, or owned. 


Photo credit: Bellaire High School Yearbook Staff

Photo credit: Bellaire High School Yearbook Staff

n.  1. A vital or animating force: soul.  2.  The part of a human being associated with the feelings and mind.  3. The real meaning or sense: significance.



Photo credit: Joanne Cochran Sullivan '71

Photo credit: Joanne Cochran Sullivan '71

n.  1.  Transmittal of elements of a culture from one generation to another.  2.  A set of customs and usages transmitted from one  generation to another and viewed as a coherent body of precedents influencing the present: heritage.  3.  A time-honored practice or set of such practices.
